Replace dialog box
In this dialog box, you can find specific text and replace it with different text in current document. Following options are available.

Find What
Enter text that you want to search for. EditPlus supports regular expression. You can press down-arrow button for regular expression templates. See Regular Expression for more detail.
Replace With
Enter text that you want to replace the found text with. EditPlus supports regular expression. You can press down-arrow button for regular expression templates. See Regular Expression for more detail.
Find specified text with current options.
Replace found text with specified text. If the text is not found yet, this is same as Find command.
Replace All
Perform find and replace for the current document, all open documents or current selection without prompts. NOTE: Holding down Shift key with the Replace All button disables Undo feature.
Show the list of saved find & replace items. You can add current find & replace item to the list or load previously saved items to perform them again.
Case sensitive
Check this option if you want case-sensitive searching.
Upward search
Check this option if you want to search upward rather than downward.
Whole word only
Check this option if you want to search whole word only and ignore text which is a substring of another word.
Wrap at the end of file
When end of file is reached, resume search from the start.
Regular expression
Check this option if you want to search regular expression. Regular expression allows more sophisticated and powerful search. See Regular Expression for more detail about regular expression syntax.
Continue to next file
Check this option to continue to the next file at the end of a file.
Support \U \L \E
Check this option to change case with \U \L \E escape sequences. \U changes to upper case until \E, and \L changes to lower case until \E.
Replace all range
Specify the range of Replace All command.
Press this button to show the multi-line input field. You can enter multi-line text in this input box. Press Ctrl+Tab to enter a tab character in this input box.